Aromtherapy Massage

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Aromtherapy Massage in Dubai

Aromtherapy Massage in Ahmedadbad

Kopper Spa Dubai | Call us : 7738193455

People frequently associate essential oils and aromatherapy with the types of massage provided solely for relaxation, such as at a spa. Although relaxation and spa treatments certainly have an important place in massage therapy, there is more to aromatherapy massage. For example, aromatherapy is being researched for its potential to benefit conditions such as anxiety, depression and cancer.

Even though essential oils from various plants have been used as part of traditional medicine for thousands of years, modern science has only recently begun to study their effects. In addition to research conducted in the realm of health care, other industries are also investigating essential oils, including the food, flavoring and cosmetics industries.

The researchers concluded, “Aromatherapy massage does not appear to confer benefit on cancer patients’ anxiety and/or depression in the long term, but is associated with clinically important benefit up to two weeks after the intervention.”

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